Export Saffron to Dubai-Arocco packaging saffron

Saffron Export of to Dubai-Arocco packaging saffron

If you want to export saffron to Dubai, you can place your orders with Matin Co.
Buy Arocco Saffron Packaging from Matin Co.
How to know the original Iranian saffron?
These are the questions we will answer youSaffron is a world precious spice and in order to buy this product, you must know it and learn how to use it.

Research on pure Iranian saffron

Iranian saffron is one of the best types of saffron in the world, which has different types.
To buy Iranian saffron, first need to do some research and get to know it.
Saffron generally has three red strings.

The more red the filaments, the higher the color and the more expensive it becomes.

In general, you can visually see the type of saffron to some extent.

If the yellow color of saffron is high, it is Pushal Saffron,
while if the strings were red and broken, the product could be Sargol saffron.

Import of genuine Iranian saffron to Dubai

Saffron is imported to Dubai by Iranian and Emirati traders in large volumes. Because the UAE, like Spain, is also active in the saffron packaging industry and exports its products to other countries.

The UAE and the city of Dubai are a tourist area and attract many tourists. So it can be a good market for selling different products.

In addition to selling Iranian saffron in kilograms and in high volumes, all kinds of gram packaging products are exported to these areas.

According to the above explanations, the import of Iranian saffron to the UAE is one of the main economic activities in the customs of this country.

Export of Arocco packaged saffron to the UAE

Now that we understand the importance of the UAE for saffron trade, we will introduce a quality product for Emirati traders.

Arocco saffron is one of the best saffron packaging products that Arocco seeks to expand its products everyday.

Products such as:

  • Nuts (Arocco Packaging)
  • rock candy (Arocco Packaging)
  • herbal essences (Arocco Packaging) And…

The saffron used in Arocco products is one of the purest and highest quality Iranian saffron that will surely satisfy you.

transportation methods for exporting saffron

There are two transportation methods for exporting saffron to Dubai.

The first method is sea shipping. In this way, it is cost-effective if the product is purchased in large volumes.

The second method and the best way of transporting saffron: Aerial method

In this way, the products will be delivered to you as soon as possible.

Contact us to buy quality products.